New to computer vision and medical imaging? Start with these 10 projects
A hands-on guide for computer vision and machine learning
(AI) and computer science that enables automated systems to see, i.e. to process images and video in a human-like manner to detect and identify objects or regions of importance, predict an outcome or even alter the image to a desired format [1]. Most popular use cases in the CV domain include automated perception for autonomous drive, augmented and virtual realities (AR, VR) for simulations, games, glasses, reality, and fashion or beauty-oriented e-commerce.
Medical image (MI) processing on the other hand involves much more detailed analysis of medical images that are typically grayscale such as MRI, CT, or X-ray images for automated pathology detection, a task that requires a trained specialistâs eye for detection. Most popular use cases in the MI domain include automated pathology labeling, localization, association with treatment or prognost