Focusing specially now today on the action in may in june. And the famous duel between Ulysses S Grant and robert e lee. The big showdown between in each case the best general that each side had i think this campaign has been more misunderstood and misinterpreted than maybe any other campaign in the civil war. I think the reason reason is because of expectations. You know today in politics you would see say theres a president ial campaign. The primary campaign is going on and several candidates are seeking the nomination of one of the parties and theyre coming up on one of the nominating the primers the state primary and youll typically youll hear some politicians say oh if i finish in the top three, that will be a win that if i to finish in the top three, ill be very happy or Something Like that. And of course, hes trying to manage expectations. Because if he does that successfully and if people and the press and so forth buy it, yeah Top Three Finishes a win for him and he finishes n
Focusing specially now today on the action in may in june. And the famous duel between Ulysses S Grant and robert e lee. The big showdown between in each case the best general that each side had i think this campaign has been more misunderstood and misinterpreted than maybe any other campaign in the civil war. I think the reason reason is because of expectations. You know today in politics you would see say theres a president ial campaign. The primary campaign is going on and several candidates are seeking the nomination of one of the parties and theyre coming up on one of the nominating the primers the state primary and youll typically youll hear some politicians say oh if i finish in the top three, that will be a win that if i to finish in the top three, ill be very happy or Something Like that. And of course, hes trying to manage expectations. Because if he does that successfully and if people and the press and so forth buy it, yeah Top Three Finishes a win for him and he finishes n
Misinterpreted than maybe any other campaign in the civil war. I think the reason reason is because of expectations. You know today in politics you would see say theres a president ial campaign. The primary campaign is going on and several candidates are seeking the nomination of one of the parties and theyre coming up on one of the nominating the primers the state primary and youll typically youll hear some politicians say oh if i finish in the top three, that will be a win that if i to finish in the top three, ill be very happy or Something Like that. And of course, hes trying to manage expectations. Because if he does that successfully and if people and the press and so forth buy it, yeah Top Three Finishes a win for him and he finishes number two, you know. Oh wow, thats great. You know he exceeded expectations. But on the other hand if he doesnt bother to manage expectations or if hes not successful at it doesnt get people to buy it then you know, he finished his second. Oh, wow.
I dont believe that. From a 44 year career in public history, most notably as a former and founding executive of some place. Previously served as historian and manager of a National Park service, before becoming the first president of the association of preservation of civil war studies. Hes currently on work on the last two volumes of his trilogy, which we desperately waiting for. Whats going on . Theyre coming . Great. Im very happy to introduce a. Wilson green. Why is it good to look out on these faces. Ive gotta say. Its just wonderful to be with you all. Especially to be with such great colleagues. We are really fortunate that ryan was able to make it because he has a twoweek engagement at the boom boom room at the holiday inn and you took time off to join us, so thank you for that brian. I hope your flight is and you can get back to the show at the holiday. And pete carmichael, what a great [inaudible] im a little supplies that he would take a shot at my sartorial habits because,
The action in may in june. And the famous duel between Ulysses S Grant and robert e lee. The big showdown between in each case the best general that each side had i think this campaign has been more misunderstood and misinterpreted than maybe any other campaign in the civil war. I think the reason reason is because of expectations. You know today in politics you would see say theres a president ial campaign. The primary campaign is going on and several candidates are seeking the nomination of one of the parties and theyre coming up on one of the nominating the primers the state primary and youll typically youll hear some politicians say oh if i finish in the top three, that will be a win that if i to finish in the top three, ill be very happy or Something Like that. And of course, hes trying to manage expectations. Because if he does that successfully and if people and the press and so forth buy it, yeah Top Three Finishes a win for him and he finishes number two, you know. Oh wow, tha