As people around the world watch the horror of the Russian invasion in Ukraine, governments have been responding. And it has taken less than a week for Russia’s commercial aviation market to be shut down. Russian owned or controlled aircraft cannot fly in US, Canadian, EU or UK airspace. Financiers are required to terminate transactions … Continue reading "World says Nyet to Russian jets"
President Joe Biden vowed in his State of the Union Address on Tuesday night that U.S. forces would not get involved in the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine and that the additional troops he has sent to Europe are there to protect NATO allies.
President Joe Biden said in his State of the Union Address on Tuesday night that he had told Xi Jinping, who is the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, that America was building infrastructure to “withstand the devastating infects of climate change.”
President Joe Biden said in his State of the Union Address on Tuesday night that “advancing liberty and justice also requires protecting the rights of women” and then went on to call for preserving “a woman’s right to choose” meaning the right to choose to abort an unborn child.