AdvanCell, a radiopharmaceutical company developing a pipeline of Targeted Alpha Therapies for cancer patients, today announced the first patient was treated with 212Pb-ADVC001, a Targeted Alpha Therapy in development for the treatment of PSMA-positive metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC).
SYDNEY (BUSINESS WIRE) AdvanCell, a radiopharmaceutical company developing a pipeline of Targeted Alpha Therapies for cancer patients, today announced the first patient was treated with
/PRNewswire/ The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) today announced four inaugural Class of 2022 TACTICAL (Therapy ACceleration To Intercept CAncer Lethality).
In Essen steht ein Arzt vor Gericht, weil er einem Corona-Patienten eine tödliche Überdosis Kaliumchlorid verabreicht haben soll. Nach Darstellung des Mediziners war jedoch jede Therapie aussichtslos, die Medikamente sollten den Sterbevorgang mildern.