In-person presentation titled ‘Leveraging Genetically Engineered Ungulates to Produce Novel Human Biotherapeutics’ to take place on June 7 in Park City, Utah Dr. Christoph Bausch to. | May 31, 2022
the vultures numbers have fallen so low that extinction remains a very real possibility. ensuring their survival has led to some unique interventions. the vulture population today in cambodia is only sustained by feeding on dead domestic ungulates, domestic cattle and domestic buffalo, so supplementary feeding not only provides a source of regular food for vultures, but it also enables us to monitor vulture populations. so the rangers have carefully set the table. there s over 250 kilograms of fresh beef on the menu. the only question now is just who s coming for dinner? and it doesn t take long before the weekly vulture restaurant is under way. another innovation involves erecting artificial nests that are then hoisted 30 metres into selected treetops. the aim is to attract these vultures to nest close to the vulture restaurant where there s the safe place and the safe food for them.