K-Pop star Jungkook has left his fans impressed with his latest photos and videos from the Calvin Klein ad. Jeon Jung-Kook can be seen wearing a denim jacket, denim pants and the brand’s signature white briefs. Jungkook isn’t the first K-Pop star to feature in a Calvin Klein ad. BLACKPINK’s Jennie recently featured in another Calvin Klein ad. The 25-year-old vocalist’s pictures from the ad shoot went viral among K-Pop fans. Watch this visual story to know more.
BTS Jungkook will be seen participating in FIFA World Cup 2022. The K-pop star will be contributing to FIFA World Cup 2022 official soundtrack and also perform at the opening ceremony of the mega football event. Know all details here.
Jungkook has left the ARMYs swooning with his vampire look after the Me, Myself, and Jung Kook photo sketch video went viral on the internet. Here s what he has to say about the concept.