Define patella. patella synonyms, patella pronunciation, patella translation, English dictionary definition of patella. n. pl. pa·tel·lae 1. a. A flat triangular bone located at the front of the knee joint. Also called kneecap . b. A dish-shaped anatomical formation. 2.
Define periphrasis. periphrasis synonyms, periphrasis pronunciation, periphrasis translation, English dictionary definition of periphrasis. n. pl. pe·riph·ra·ses 1. The use of circumlocution. 2. A circumlocution. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
Define mugwump. mugwump synonyms, mugwump pronunciation, mugwump translation, English dictionary definition of mugwump. n. 1. A person who acts independently or remains neutral, especially in politics. 2. often Mugwump A Republican who bolted the party in 1884, refusing to.