When you arguably have the most talented team in the AFL and you're only 1-5, you're bound to get fired. Owner Woody Kern finally pulled the plug on the Ingold experiment and canned his coach for the first eight weeks of the season. Even though we can't really put a finger on any one thing that Ingold did wrong in the Dallas Vigilantes most recent setback to the Chicago Rush, we still felt the need to honor him in some way.
gtt. now, that says something. joining me now steven l. miller, host of the media broadcast spectator u.s.a. awesome follow on twitter at read steve. look at these numbers and grades and lockdowns would you ever have been smart enough to understand, steven, it actually doesn t hurt businesses to shut them down? yeah, thank god for the l.a. times who it doesn t appear like anybody at the l.a. times missed a paycheck over the last year. and then these are the same people who decry when they hit the unemployment line themselves that we are not supposed to cheer when a venture capital hedge fund decides what the rest of us has figured out long time ago we don t need them anymore. there were 22 million jobs that were lost over the course much the last year. 6 million of those were in service industry restaurant, hotel, another 2 million in other pars of just casual working business and retail. and about another 2.5 million that were lost in business.
Discovery Channel
Discovery Channel
ABC/Temma Hankin
Rebel (Katey Sagal) stops at nothing to convince Cruz (Andy Garcia) to join her fight against Stonemore Medical.
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Westmoreland City native Wild Bill Wichrowski is back on Discovery Channel’s “Deadliest Catch” for a covid-impacted season of crab fishing.
Due to the pandemic, the state of Alaska didn’t do its annual crab survey, leaving crab fisherman to guess the best spots to fish when the season began last fall.
In the season premiere now streaming on discovery+ and airing on the linear Discovery cable channel at 8 p.m. April 20th (the same day episode two premieres on discovery+) Sig Hansen tries to get the “Deadliest Catch” captains to pool information on where they find the crab. His colleagues are skeptical that they’ll all remain honest.
plans to reopen parts of their economies this month, too. this report measures job gains as of june the 12th. in the days since, we ve seen cases spiking around the country. some businesses closed down again. reporter: the rollback sending employees like dallas bartender randee heitzman, who returned to work in may, back to the unemployment line. i got furloughed with almost no notice from my job. this second round, i think, is going to be more stressful. reporter: layoffs persistently high. for the 15th straight week, more than 1 million americans have filed new claims for unemployment benefits. we saw long lines at this unemployment office in oklahoma today. but tom, given that record rehiring, analysts expect the white house will allow the $600 added weekly unemployment benefit to expire at the end of this month, though they say some additional stimulus is necessary for the american people, given those persistent layoffs and sky