anwar al-awlaki is dead. a cia drone strike kills the senior al qaeda leader. the american-born radical cleric preached jihad against the u.s. and was linked to the christmas underwear bombert and ft. hood killer. many are cheering, but some like congressman ron paul are criticizing our government for killing him. why? we have the author of a book called the next wave, on the hunt for american al qaeda recriewrts. good evening. tell me, is this as big as everyone s been saying? does this really hurt al qaeda? or someone else will step up into the position? lit s a great question, greta. it does hurt al qaeda because anwar al-awlaki is really the leader of al qaeda 2.0, the new generation of american recruits.
anwar al-awlaki is dead. a cia drone strike kills the senior al qaeda leader. the american-born radical cleric preached jihad against the u.s. and was linked to the christmas underwear bombert and ft. hood killer. many are cheering, but some like congressman ron paul are criticizing our government for killing him. why? we have the author of a book called the next wave, on the hunt for american al qaeda recriewrts. good evening. tell me, is this as big as everyone s been saying? does this really hurt al qaeda? or someone else will step up into the position? lit s a great question, greta. it does hurt al qaeda because anwar al-awlaki is really the leader of al qaeda 2.0, the new generation of american recruits.