Taking a cue from pop culture's most iconic underwear ads, award-winning director Tony Dimarco presents new Falcon Studios all-sexer "Into You," available now on DVD and as a digital download at the Falcon|NakedSword store.
The Fruitvale Station actor has called his mother and said sorry for stripping down to his underwear in a new steamy commercial ad for Calvin Klein s new campaign.
sexuality part of advertising. he found the sex in things. which is such a touchy subject for americans. and he hit that button every damn time. calvin klein s advertising was scandalous. there would be an ad for calvin klein and there weren t many clothes involved but made you want buy them. this underwear ad stopped traffic in times square. that was revolutionary. this image of masculine sexuality was just absolutely galvanizing. sudden list suddenly, men s underwear became a signifier. it wasn t like buying milk at the grocery store. it made every man, whether they look like that or not, feel like if i buy that underwear, i ll look like that guy.
country. 40s and 50s were definitely america finding itself. americans felt very second rate when comparing ourselves to europe. sportswear became the defining style of the united states. the bikini was the biggest thing since the atom bomb. in the 60s and 70s our style and fashion represents freedom. hippie culture is really oppositional to vietnam war. this was very important in terms of people being free to express themselves. in the 80s, it was a lot of excess in every way. calvin klein s advertising was scandalous. the underwear ad stopped traffic in times square. by the 90s and 2000s, things became less formal. supermodels really brought fashion into every household. now what s embraced is being yourself. style gives you a voice. it s freedom. american style premieres tomorrow at 9:00 on cnn.
have defined this country s unique style and identity. here s a clip. 40s and 50s were america finding itself. americans felt very second rate comparing ourselves to europe. sports ware became the dwoining style of the united states. the by chi knee was the big. est thing since atom bomb. our style and fashion represents freedom. when you look at hippy culture, it s really oppositional to the vietnam war. it was important in terms of people being free to express themselves. in the 80s it was a lot of access in every way. we had our calvin klein and donna karans. the underwear ad stopped traffic in times square. things have become less formal. supermodels brought fashion into every household. now what s imelm braced as being yourself. style gives you a voice.