assessment from the air of the outer irish wins in particular. in provide information to the people of tonga and authorities. ash cloud does pose and authorities. ash cloud does pose a risk for the review on departure was stated be able to undertake in overflight reconnaissance and provide that critical information back. the volcano had been erupting for the past month, before the huge explosion on january 15th. this was the volcano onjanuary 7th. and this was just two hours before the eruption onjanuary15th. you can see the crater is completely covered by the sea. this shows you the northern part of the island before the eruption, a day after villages were no longer visible. day after villages were no longer visible. volcanologists are calling the eruption a one in a 1,000 year event. here s david pyle from the university of oxford. there are many underwater volcanoes but in terms of scale this is probably the largest underwater volcano eruption that we ve seen for
The scientist was born and raised in San Diego, and she and her team were responsible for keeping the world informed when a volcano erupted underwater.
After a kiwi passenger sent images of the unusual ocean slick to experts, they identified it as a raft of floating rock discharged from an undersea volcano produced in the greatest eruption of its kind that has ever been recorded. While scientists initially failed to detect the event referred to as Havre Seamount, the floating rock platform it created was impossible to ignore.
21st last year at 32 years old. we received the report on the johnson & johnson heiress, casey johnson. she was 30 when she died on january 5th, and the coroner has ruled this a natural death, that she died the diabetic ketoacidosis. it s a problem with her insulin there. for casey johnson, a natural death. a group of hapless thieves mashes this window with a crowbar 30 times. finally it broke. probably why he didn t notice the store security cam ras. they got away with about two grand and mlgerchandise. police are using this tape to track them down. look at the underwater volcano. it could form a new island. the last known underwater volcano eruption happened in 2005.