last thing on mind of the transport minister here. that s what he said at the press conference today. he said he doesn t have to worry about that. he s got a lot of things on his mind. 26 contributing nations at the early stage of the investigation of the search and there are plenty more that have gotten money and are willing to put into the pot, if you will. this is what he said. there are many countries out there and friends out there that have come to me quietly that said we cannot give you assets or information, we don t have the planes. we do have funds that may help the people to search for it. reporter: so while he appears confident that he will get the money, he s recognized many times that this could be a search that takes a long time and keeps making references to that air france search that took four years before the debris was finally brought from the ocean
opposing obamacare. the question is, not can he convince the republican voters but more independents to give him a second look and more democrats who are saying i might not vote in december, can the president get them to come out. he won t succeed unless candidates in those key states pick up what he said today. and of the 8 million enrolled, we don t know how many have paid their premiums, how many had insurance before and how many were forced to get new information because of the higher quality standards and how many were uninsured before. he made the push that the 5 million that could have medicaid with the medicaid expansion in states where they are not expanding it should be allowed to do it. michelle kosinski, i want to go to you in the briefing room talking about ukraine. the president seemed real very measured in terms of this agreement out of geneva. there was no proclamation of success.
we have more information on the bluefin, the underwater fin. bad news, they found nothing. but there is some good news in that the search area for the bluefin has been narrowed because of acoustic analysis from the four pings. i have to confess. i don t know whether to be discouraged by today s news or discouraged. what do you think? that s not the way that things work. there s a lot to go and to give up on this idea, the strategy at this point is really not an option for anybody. but remember, this isn t the only information that they have. this is the strategy, the path that they ve chosen to take and you finish out your strategy before you give up and go anywhere else. i m encouraged with their
sticktuitiveness. the prime minister said one possibility will be a search along a wide arc of sea that came from the partial digital handshake. it s 370 miles long, 30 miles wide. how long would a search of that area take? maybe you deploy two assets at the same time, it would take around 85 days and cost 10% of the figure that was mentioned before. david, the chinese families of the relatives have 26 of the victims, they have 26 questions that they want answered about the flights logbook. is that information that is usually held off during an ongoing investigation?
well, it s not normally held off. at least in a u.s. investigation, we have the family assistance act which requires that briefings and updates are provided to the families. so a lot of that information should be available. it s not there s no international civil aviation that is possible and it appears to be a very closed investigation. i don t know if that s because it s still criminal or not because with those it holds information for a long time. i guess there is a question about whether or not the governments can keep heading up the search or whether it can be handed off to a private industry, whether they can do it cheaper or quicker. david gallo has said that it be flown to perth. do you think they are going to hand this over to commercial or private groups? i think it s always going to