is this about untangling the u.s. from china or diminishing china s power? i think it s an attempt to constrain china s economic power and enhance the american presence in the region. it s kind of a weak substitute for the more ambitious grem that was negotiated by president obama that was discarded by president trump, the transpacific partnership, and now even democrats are not interest in the bringing that back up. it s very difficult to get a trade deal through congress now because of concern about lost american jobs, so this is an attempt as the president s in asia to have something on the table economically, but couldn t do that much to be honest. you have a piece for right now saying that washington cannot have an honest conversation about inflation. why not? mainly because the sideshow gets traded as the main show.
well, the u.s. embassy is reopened in kyiv, and sources tell cnn the biden administration is considering sending special forces to help guard it. more on that next. on her green investments with merrill. a-plus. still got it. (whiststle blows) your money never stops wororkig for you with merrill, a babank of america company. (mom allen) verizon just gave us all a brand new iphone 13.3. (dad allen) we ve been customers for years. (dad brown) i ththought new phones were for new customers. we got iphone 13s, too. switched to verizon two minutes ago. (mom brown) ours were busted and we still got a iny new one. (boy brown) check it out! ad allen) so, wait. everybody gets the same great deal? (mom allen) i think that s the point. (vo) iphone 13 on us for every customer. current, new, everyone. on any unlimited plan. starting at just $35 all on the network more people rely on. what s on the horizon? the answers lie beyond the roads we know. we recognize that energy demand is growing,
become now, making very clear in a statement that the u.s. should refrain from violating its policies towards china, saying those who play with fire will certainly burn themselves, and urging the united states not to stand against 1.4 billion chinese people. fairly ominous words from several chinese spokespeople. jeremy diamond, thank you for reporting from tokyo. joining us now, the president of the council on foreign relations and author of the world, a brief introduction. . good to see you. i get the impression you like what president biden has said and that he s moved away from strategic ambiguity. i do applaud what he said. i think it s long since overdue. this is the third time he said it, hopefully the third time s a charm. let s be clear. nothing in this policy of strategic ambiguity is this
this would be essentially an enhanced version of the marine presence we have in u.s. embassies around the world. okay. ambassador richard haas, great to talk to you as always. while in tokyo, president biden unveiled his economic plan to counterthe influence in asia. the indo-pacific economic frame work is aimed at the supply chain, clean energy, and fighting corruption. the president told reporters he thinks the u.s. may be able to avoid a recession. in your view, is a recession in the united states inevitable? no. our gdp is going to grow faster than china s for the first time in 40 years. does that mean we don t have problems? we do. we have problems that the rest of the world has, but less consequential than the rest of the world because of our internal fwgrowth and strength. john, great to see you.
joe biden s budget and the socialists and the democratic party, they want to jack upor t taxes on americans across this country. you know,ns this budget proposes taking the national debt all the way up to 40 five trillion dollars. that is a staggering amount and one of the amazing thingst, about biden s budget is it sne based on old outdated numbers. so it assumes inflation is still down at two percent. we re seeing record highn inflationn of eight percent and the biden budget numbers laughably assume that thebe trillions they ve spent already hasn t caused inflationrs. and by the way, another way of understanding biden s proposal of tax unrealized gains is that biden is proposing taxing you on inflation because unrealized gains one of the major things that causes that is inflation and biden s out of control. spending and debt is producing crushing inflation on the american people. well said, senator . scary times.