Chile s Senate Tuesday approved by 23 votes in favor, 1 against, and 18 abstentions a 15-day extension to the state of emergency in the Araucanía region and in the provinces of Arauco and Biobío, in the Biobío region, it was reported in Santiago. The Lower House had endorsed the measure with 104 votes in favor, 24 against, and 12 abstentions.
Santiago, Feb 14 (EFE).- The battle against the wildfires that have caused 24 deaths, forced thousands from their homes and devastated nearly 400,000 hectares (987,654 acres) of land in south-central Chile over the last 11 days has entered a “phase of containment,” authorities said Tuesday. “We can say that the emergency situation is in greater …
Chile s new Interior Minister Izkia Siches escaped unharmed after her motorcade in La Araucanía was halted and gunshots were fired into the air in Temucuicui, some 670 kilometers south of Santiago.