AMMAN Underground Amman Tour, a weekly walk held on Fridays, provides a broader perspective of the ancient city Amman, by exploring the often hidden art scene in the heart downtown. “We aim to link ancient neighbourhoods in Amman with street art,” Ala’ El Deen Arafeh, founder of the initiative, told The Jordan Times on Saturday. Tourists get a sense of the achievements of
Underground Amman Tour, a weekly walk held on Fridays, provides a broader perspective of the ancient city Amman, by exploring the often hidden art scene
AMMAN Underground Amman Tour, a weekly walk held on Fridays, provides a broader perspective of the ancient city Amman, by exploring the often hidden art scene in the heart downtown. “We aim to link ancient neighbourhoods in Amman with street art,” Ala’ El Deen Arafeh, founder of the initiative, told The Jordan Times on Saturday. Tourists get a sense of the achievements of