Naomi alderman, welcome to hardtalk. Thank you for having me. I want to start at the beginning. You were raised in a very traditional, observant orthodoxJewish Community in north london where, i think its fair to say, women and girls were expected, by and large, to stay in the background. Now, you today have a very powerful, unique, creative voice. You use it loudly. How difficult was it to find that voice, to make that move away . Now, i should say, i do come from a traditional observant background. However, my father is a professor of history. So from that perspective, i came from an intellectually very open culture, even whilst, yes, i have been to a talk as a young woman on the subject, the beauty of a woman is in her silence. So, yes. And you were brought up in a religion and you talk about it quite openly in stuff youve written about your past, where at school, every morning, everybody said, thank you, god, for not making me a slave. And then the boys said, thank you, god, for no
Women and girls were expected, by and large, to stay in the background. Now, you today have a very powerful, unique, creative voice. You use it loudly. How difficult was it to find that voice, to make that move away . Now, i should say, i do come from a traditional observant background. However, my father is a professor of history. So from that perspective, i came from an intellectually very open culture, even whilst, yes, i have been to a talk as a young woman on the subject, the beauty of a woman is in her silence. So, yes. And you were brought up in a religion and you talk about it quite openly in stuff youve written about your past, where at school, every morning, everybody said, thank you, god, for not making me a slave. And then the boys said, thank you, god, for not making me a woman. Yes. And the girls say, thank you, god, for making me according to your will. Yes, its, in some ways, quite a misogynist religion. I think that is a very misogynist type of prayer. I think i became
Reserve Bank of Australia Holds Rates Steady; Rise in Oil Prices May Hinder Inflation Fight, Says Bullard By Perry Cleveland-Peck Good day. Australia's central bank put the brakes on its campaign of interest-rate increases earlier today, breaking w. | 07:18am
Londoner Stadtteil Lambeth – Hunderte Pflege- und Heimkinder jahrzehntelang missbraucht
Seit den 1960er Jahren waren in einem Londoner Stadtteil Hunderte Kinder Vergewaltigungen, sexuellem Missbrauch und Rassismus ausgesetzt, wie ein Untersuchungsbericht nun schildert.
Publiziert heute um 04:30 Uhr
Die Kinder waren in Wohnheimen und bei Pflegeeltern einem Martyrium ausgesetzt: Die Brücke nach Lambeth. (Archivbild)
AFP/Tolga Akmen
Infos einblenden
Ein Untersuchungsbericht zeigt auf, wie ab den 1960er Jahren Hunderte Kinder im Londoner Stadtteil Lambeth Vergewaltigungen, sexuellem Missbrauch und Rassismus ausgesetzt waren.
Die in Wohnheimen und bei Pflegeeltern lebenden Minderjährigen wurden demnach von Sozialarbeiterinnen und Sozialarbeitern vergewaltigt, attackiert und missbraucht.
Den Behörden in dem südlichen Londoner Stadtteil seien 705 Fälle von ehemaligen Heimbewohnerinnen und Heimbewohnern bekannt.
Großbritannien hat in der Pandemie eine Rekordverschuldung aufgetürmt. Premier Johnson plant zudem teure Reformen. Selbst seine eigene Partei fürchtet, er könne nicht mit Geld umgehen. <em