new york times . michelle goldberg penned a piece back in october. g pe2020 one titled the right si lie about sexual assault. in virginia.t goldberg went on to call it a culture war fantasy thatc. created a nationwide moral panic. well, there are clear battle lines drawn here. those who wish to uncoveo r thi deviancy, as we laid out in tonight s angle, in those who try to cover it up and thus hurt the kids like schoole school superintendents and the mainstream media or so-called. it s time to start asking why. okay, no w it s time for something a little different pois monday night, pup and laser s. yes, you heard that right.e a group of researchers at the university of colorado, boulder, used highed h igh- tpowered lasers to check ot how far and wide water droplets fly after you flush the toilet. well, the video speaks itself.