of time trying to understand the electronic record round these killers. let me close by saying something the attorney general and i have said before. we know this is very unsettling for the people of the united states. what we hope you ve will do is not let fear become disabling. but to instead try to channel it into an awareness of your surroundings, to get you to a place where you are living your life, but if you see something that doesn t make sense, you say something to somebody. when we look back over our cases, over the last ten, 15 years, in almost every case, we find that somebody saw something, whether it alabamaly member or friend or coworker, and didn t say something to law enforcement, wrote an innocent narrative over facts that were making them feel unconsider thible or the hair stand up on the back of their necks. please don t do that. weaved very hard from philadelphia to get ourselves to a place where if you tell a provision of deputy sheriff or call the nib and say i s