spigot by deregulating all of the ideas of this restriction on gas and energy exploration, he is calling this part of america s energy dominance agenda, most notably he wants to add that the trump administration is hopeful that we will be able to export this newfound energy. they are calling this deregulation nation, the idea being if we can take off the reins, we will grow business and that will mean more jobs for you and me and the folks that we know and love. we will see if that works out the way they planned but they are certainly moving beginning today. molly: we appreciate it. jon: rex tillerson has just finished outlining four reporters what was discussed between president trump and vladimir putin, the first meeting between those world leaders. more on what the secretary of state had to say after a quick break.
the leaders agree that this is a substantial step in the ability to move the russia-u.s. relationship forward and agree to exchange further work regarding commitments of noninterference and affairs of the united states and our democratic process as well as other countries. i can take questions. can you tell us whether president trump said whether there would be any consequences for russia for the interference in the u.s. election? did he spell out any specific consequences? and when does the syria cease-fire began and do you
jon: a fox news alert, president trump and his russian counterpart wrapping up their meeting after more than two hours, much longer than it was expected to go. right now, rex tillerson briefing about that meeting, the biggest headline is that president trump reportedly brought a brush and meddling in the election right off the bat. president putin flatly denies that. we are also hearing about a partial syria cease-fire. a lot to talk about. it should be no surprise that the men disagree over whether or not election meddling came up. going into this meeting, trump was in a very difficult position domestically with respect to the russia question. he if he was seen as being too e to russia, it would inflame the politics of the investigation. he was on this very narrow path. it is interesting to see that the narratives from the russian
h.r. mcmaster, discussing the importance of what is going on in north korea and the issues there. and today we had several other meetings and tomorrow we have another six. the president also participated in a very important session today on trade and an important session on the environment and the economy. i would just generally say we have had a very productive economic meetings, there have been very subsidence substantis discussed. with that, i will turn it over secretary tillerson to talk about his meetings and afterwards we will take some questions. thanks for staying with us late this evening. president trump and president putin met this afternoon for two
jon: on fox news alert, just into the fox news room, new audio from members of the trump cabinet who held an off-camera briefing that just wrapped up in hamburg germany, it begins with some sound from i believe it is the treasury secretary, steven mnuchin talking about the discussions between president trump and russia s president vladimir putin. let s listen. hi, everybody. i just want to highlight very briefly and then secretary tiller s and will go on and then afterwards we will answer a few questions. president trump has had a very few days, we went to poland on wednesday, in poland he met with 12 different leaders, meetings with croatia and poland as well as ten other leaders where we talked about energy, the