Country singer-songwriter Cory Cross has a new single out, and it’s everything you would expect and want from a slow-burning ballad. “I Would Say” also features Dallas singer-songwriter Jenna Clark. “I played a show with Jenna at The Post a little while ago,” Cross recalled, “and I was just really impressed with her
Welp, I did it. I managed to stay awake past midnight. Then again, catching some winks would have been impossible. I was at the second of Flickerstick’s two reunion shows. God damn, they loud. They also good. Except for some shouty, much-needed conversations with dear old friends I hadn’t seen in years, I caught
Though the image of country music these days brings to mind big pickup trucks, bigger production, stadium concerts, and headset microphones, the origins of the deeply American musical tradition stem from acoustic guitars strummed on front porches or from the corner of low-lit barns-cum-dance halls at best. Despite