being interested in sports was one of the things gene wanted in a woman. so i took tennis lessons in california. gene loved france, so i took lessons in french. [ speaking french ] i think i have always been searching for some kind of love that was perfect, and so of course it could never work out. and she s like a little gnat that s saying, it s never going to be perfect. i brought imperfection into his life. yes, she brought imperfection into my life. before that, it was perfect. growing up, i would be with my uncle gene, who was also a second father to me, for a few months of the year. and when he and gilda moved in together, that just sort of
my period was late. i couldn t believe it. gene and i were ecstatic. you believe in the work you do. you have joy in the work you do. and then you find the public s not interested in it. after that, well, i guess what
gilda. happy birthday to you there was a time when i thought that all i wanted to do was work, and now i know that what i really want to do is live. i m growing up. there s no doubt about it. i ll tell ya. and i don t mind. when i look in the mirror, i see lines around my eyes. i see a woman more, a young woman, mind you, but a woman and less a child. what about you and gene? will you have children? we would like to have children. what would happen to gilda radner? would you go through a lot of turmoil about that?
face the fact that that s what i am. there s lots of things about me you don t know. when gene met gilda, he had just gone through kind of a magic period in his career. there was willy wonka, and there was blazing saddles. and then a movie that he wrote with mel brooks and starred in, young frankenstein, came out six months later. life, do you hear me? give my creation life! so at that moment, gene became a very big movie star. gene was not a comedian.
my career was still very important to me, too. hello, ted. i just wanted to say good morning and have a lovely day. so when orion pictures gave gene the okay on haunted honeymoon, i put off having a baby. gene was the writer, director, and the star, and i was his wife. [ screaming ] just practicing. after the second shadow, there will be lightning. i got heavily into the adventure of movie making. this thing is pinching my butt! and i didn t even think to look at my calendar until i got the first dizzy spell.