Numbers to replace names of platforms at Dubai metro stations
17 Dec 2020
Gulf Today,
Staff Reporter
Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has launched a campaign to change the addressing systems of platforms at metro stations.
In a move, which is intended to keep pace with the latest international practices of the industry, RTA has decided to assign numbers to the platforms at the metro stations.
Platforms of the Dubai metro stations will now bear numbers rather than end destination names under the campaign.
“Changing the addressing system of the metro platforms involves designating them with numbers instead of end destination station name. The move is intended to keep pace with the latest international practices of the industry,” said Hasan Al Mutawa, Director of Rail Operations, Rail Agency, RTA.
Dubai Metro platforms to now bear numbers, not names
Web report/Dubai
Photo: Dubai Media Office
The move is intended to keep pace with the latest international practices of the industry.
All Dubai Metro station platforms will be allocated “unique numbers” and not anymore will they be addressed by the destination names, the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has said.
“Changing the addressing system of the metro platforms involves designating them with numbers instead of end destination station names. The move is intended to keep pace with the latest international practices of the industry,” said Hasan Al Mutawa, director of rail operations, Rail Agency, RTA.