Bhubaneswar – A sports and cultural event ‘Kalika’ for children of migrant workers was held today in Bhingarpur GP of Khurda. Aide et Action and Commissionerate Police Bhubaneswar- Cuttack jointly organised this programme for young migrant liv
Bhubaneswar: The U.S. Consulate General Hyderabad and VIEWS, an NGO based in Odisha, successfully organised the second workshop for journalists working in regional media to provide knowledge resources and best practices for covering climate change i
A special drive by the Odisha State School and Mass Education department in collaboration with Aide et Action is helping children of migrant workers working at various brick kilns to continue their education at remote locations across the state and preventing child labour as part of the state s Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS).
A drive by the School and Mass Education dept in collaboration with Aide et Action is helping children of migrant families escape the drudgery at kilns and get back to schools, writes Diana Sahu
Three years after Covid-19 began, its impact can still be felt in the lives of the children who dropped out of school in Agra to join the shoe-making industry.