Numaish, which began recently in Hyderabad, is expected to continue until Ramzan. Earlier, the exhibition got postponed due to COVID-19 situation in the state. The decision on whether to extend or not will be announced soon. According to the society's secretary, the extension of the exhibition dates would benefit both the traders and visitors. While Ramzan in Hyderabad will
Hyderabad's most awaited and popular trade fair, Numaish, also known as the Nampally Exhibition, has been suspended till January 10. Numaish officials announced that the exhibition would start on January 2, but later decided to suspend it for a few more days due to a spike in Omicron cases in Telangana. The city missed the Numaish last year as well, due to the COVID 19
The 81st All India Industrial Exhibition, known as Numaish, will be hosted at the Exhibition Grounds in Nampally for 45 days. Hyderabad police announced traffic restrictions for the next 45 days. The limits are in effect from January 1 to February 15 and will be in effect from 4 p.m. to midnight until the exhibition closes.
Telangana Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan on Saturday inaugurated the 81st All India Industrial Exhibition Numaish 2022 organized by the Exhibition Society i
The Telangana high court on Monday ordered the state government to make a definitive decision on whether or not to hold the Numaish exhibition. This instruction is in response to the rapid spread of Omicron, a new variant of the COVID-19 virus.