The 13th San Diego Asian Film Festival (SDAFF) Spring Showcase proudly announces the screening of "Smoking Tigers," a captivating drama directed by UC San Diego alum So Young Shelly Yo. This highly acclaimed film will be showcased at UltraStar Cinemas Mission Valley on Friday, April 19, 2024, at 8 p.m.Director So Young Shelly Yo and actress Ji-young Yoo are scheduled to appear for a post-screening Q&A."Smoking Tigers" follows the story of 16-year-old Hayoung as she navigates her parents' separation while reluctantly attending an SAT prep camp. The film is an exploration of the world of affluent Koreans, filled with house parties and romantic interests, offering a compelling reflection on identity and societal expectations.Presented in English and Korean with subtitles, the film received recognition at the 2023 Tribeca Film Festival, winning awards for Best Performance (Ji-young Yoo) and Best Screenplay in the U.S. Narrative Feature category.Director So Youn
Dozens of unhoused San Diegans are turned away from shelter every day because of a shortage of shelter beds. In other news, the San Diego County Sheriff's Department released its annual report of its use of military equipment. Plus, we hear about Asian representation in film and in Hollywood, as the Pac-Arts Festival is happening this week.
Everything good is coming up in pairs – or more – this San Diego weekend. There are festivals to mark Earth Day 2023, car shows for the auto inclined and some indie film goodness too.
Here are some of the best things to do in San Diego County this weekend, including classical music, spring activities and festivals, food events, concerts and more.
Don't miss the 12th Annual San Diego Asian Film Festival Spring Showcase, April 20-27 at the UltraStar Mission Valley. Audiences will enjoy eight days of films from Japan, Hong Kong, Iran, Pakistan, Singapore, South Korea and more. This year's Sunday Series is a retrospective on legendary actor Leslie Cheung, featuring new restorations of Hong Kong classics.April 20-27, 2023 - A week-long presentation of Asian cinema.For tickets and the full lineup, visit: sdaff.orgThe UltraStar Cinemas Mission Valley is the primary venue for the 2023 SDAFF Spring Showcase.Free parking is available on the ground level and in the underground lot.The theater is immediately across from the Hazard Center trolley stop on the Green Line.Plenty of cafes, restaurants, and conveniences are located nearby.Pacific Arts Movement on Facebook / Instagram