Versatile Systems for Ultrafast Laser Pulse Picking
04 Mar 2021
We have tailored our pulse picking systems for operation with femtosecond lasers with a pulse repetition rate of up to 100 MHz. Single laser pulses can be selected from a pulse train at up to 2 MHz rate.
EKSMA Optics pulse picking system consists of:
UP2 pulse picker – a compact and rigid single unit device consisting of a Pockels cell and its‘ HV driver, combined with polarizing optics necessary for quarter-wave or half-wave operation. UP2 can be customized for your particular application with wavelength options covering 500 to 2000 nm.
pMaster 4.2 control unit – contains a high voltage source for powering of the HV driver and a timing generator for synchronization with your laser source. pMaster 4.2 timing generator can also be synchronized to the internal pulse generator, external trigger, or an external RF source. It can be operated in single shot or burst modes.