arkansas, mississippi, and other states just this year, since the election, push things further than they ve ever been pushed since roe v. wade. do you feel like we are entering a patch area in which the rights are not protected? that s our concern. that your right to safe and legal abortion, your right to birth control, shouldn t depend on your zip code. yet we see the worst bills, one bill i don t think that many folks were aware, was just sign need law in kansas that allows medical practitioners to lie to women about ultra sounds, about other genetic testing, refuse to give them information that would influence their decision about their pregnancy. this is now signed into law. it goes into effect in july. basically allowing doctors to lie to women in order to influence their decisions about pregnancy. this is the most incredible invasion in women s privacy and their ability to make their own
ashamed of my state. i think one of the most blatant indications is the state of texas said we re going to take away money from any clinic that is related to abortion provision. so planned parenthood. that means women of lower socio economic status who need medicaid dollars aren t being banned from their rights to an abortion if they so choose, but also all the other health care that comes with reproductive rights. from cancer screenings, from animal checkups. so it s an infringement. we need care. we need an opportunity to look in and make sure everything is working well. and just a couple of weeks ago rick perry was asserting that he would stop any bill to prevent texting while driving because he doesn t want government micromanaging your life. yet, he wants transvaginal ultra sounds. he wants texas to be a thing
i think now has traction in a way it didn t ten, 20 years ago because of leadership, because of the extremism of an nra. not what it was. it was a sportsman s club. i think let s be honest. it represents it represents gun makers. i mean, this is a business. it s a lobby. it s a lobby. e.j., i want to talk about the difference between the federal and the state levels, because this is a problem that the republican party has on a host of different issues. they ll say one thing nationally, and then the state the governors, the statehouses, either take the party back two steps or just complicate the issue entirely. you saw that on reproductive health, women s health issues. they would say one thing nationally as a party, and then you have these laws that are passed at the state level, whether they re transvaginal ultra sounds or amendments. they push the party back. republicans in congress actually want to see some sort of gun safety reform. they can t even really feesably speak
five days and have harvested another quarter million since, without any further solicitation. they did it just using the computer. just using word of mouse. that first electoral gambit was for the 2000 election. and three of moveon s five candidates won. despite the computer skeptics, ended up becoming a big deal in lefty politics. they raised money and direct it to support progressive candidates and causes. but they also hone and choose their messaging through interaction with their many, many members. moveon ends up being like a mega collective crowd-sourced advisory group for your lefty issue of choice. and the results end up being effective and pretty aggressive messages that end up in some cases using the right spokespeople. i want to talk to you about women. and about mitt romney. mitt romney s for ending funding to planned parenthood. including cancer screenings. he said he would overturn roe v. wade. we have republicans trying to redefine rain. trying t ended up becoming a big deal in lefty politics. they raised money and direct it to support progressive candidates and causes. but they also hone and choose their messaging through interaction with their many, many members. moveon ends up being like a mega collective crowd-sourced advisory group for your lefty issue of choice. and the results end up being effective and pretty aggressive messages that end up in some cases using the right spokespeople. i want to talk to you about women. and about mitt romney. mitt romney s for ending funding to planned parenthood. including cancer screenings. he said he would overturn roe v. wade. we have republicans trying to redefine rain. trying to force women to undergo invasive ultra sounds. if you think that this election won t affect you in