Strong performance and solid growth continue
Q2/2021 (year-on-year)
Sales increased by 22.6% to EUR 2 592 (2 114) million, due to higher deliveries and prices.
Operational EBIT increased to EUR 364 (178) million, due to higher prices and volumes, especially in Biomaterials, Wood Products, and Packaging Materials.
Operational EBIT margin increased to 14.0% (8.4%).
Operating profit (IFRS) decreased to EUR 182 (226) million.
EPS was EUR 0.26 (0.19) and EPS excl. fair valuations (FV) was EUR 0.27 (0.13).
Strong cash flow from operations amounted to EUR 463 (363) million. Cash flow after investing activities was EUR 339 (239) million.
The net debt to operational EBITDA ratio was 1.8 (2.5). The target is to keep the ratio below 2.0.
Operational ROCE excluding the Forest division increased to 18.1% (7.8%), and was clearly above the long-term target of more than 13%.
Stora Enso today arranged a virtual inauguration ceremony to celebrate the successful conversion of the Oulu Mill which was transformed from paper production into high-quality. | May 20, 2021
Notice to the Annual General Meeting of Stora Enso Oyj
The Board of Directors of Stora Enso Oyj has decided to convene the Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 19 March 2021. The meeting will be held at 4 p.m. Finnish time.
Notice to the Annual General Meeting
Notice is given to the shareholders of Stora Enso Oyj (the Company ) to the Annual General Meeting (the AGM ) to be held on Friday 19 March 2021 at 4 p.m. at the Company s Head Office at Kanavaranta 1, Helsinki, Finland. Shareholders of the Company and their proxy representatives may participate in the meeting and exercise their rights as shareholders only through voting in advance as well as by making counterproposals and presenting questions in advance. Instructions for shareholders are presented in this notice under section C Instructions for the participants in the AGM.