Several Ukrainian media outlets were attacked by Russian hackers this week, posting misinformation about the ongoing war between the two countries. Ukrainska Pravada, one of the largest Ukrainian online newspapers, and, a business media site, were hacked in recent days. Ukraine’s cybersecurity agency (SSSCIP) confirmed via Telegram that the hacks came from Russia. “Russia…
Ukrainian farmers have brought agricultural machinery damaged due to military action to the border with Poland as part of their actions in response to protests by Polish farmers. Source: Polish and a number of Ukrainian media outlets, after the relevant videos appeared on social media, as reported by European Pravda Details: One Polish-speaking Twitter (X) user posted a video where lorries carrying a burnt combine harvester, tractor and cars on the platforms of semi-trailers can be seen from a v
Ukrainian and Western officials gathered in Berlin on Feb. 23 to discuss how to assist Ukraine with investigating Russian war crimes and bring perpetrators to justice, Ukrainian media outlet Ukrinform reported.
Ukrainian forces downed a Russian early warning and control aircraft Friday, the air force chief said, a major win for the country as its army fights to repel persistent Russian attacks along the front line as the war enters its third year. Gen. Mykola Oleshchuk thanked Ukraine's military intelligence for helping down the Russian A-50 aircraft on Russia's military holiday Friday. Ukrainian media carried footage purportedly showing a massive fire that erupted when the big warplane crashed in the Krasnodar region on the eastern coast of the Sea of Azov.