One unverified Telegram post alleging Putin had a “heart attack” while dining in his Kremlin apartment sent the blogosphere and the world’s tabloids into a frenzied tailspin of unfounded speculation.
A regional summit is essential and Egypt and Saudi Arabia must spearhead the effort to bring about a ceasefire and find a two-state solution to address the Israeli-Palestinian crisis.
people are saying western officials were surprised by the speed of advance. i was one of those. i knew the advance was coming, but i didn t know it was going to go that quickly. i d suggest the ukrainian army may have also been stunned by what happened. i mean, the ukrainians obviously gaining a lot of weapons and ammunition as they retake this roughly 2300 square miles of territory. do those weapons make a significant impact on this war? or are those russian weapons not even as advanced as the weapons the u.s. has been giving them and the european allies as well? yeah, it s funny you should mention that, anderson, because i just talked to an individual in ukraine today. and this is coming from ukrainian intel now, but ukraine has reported that they have received or they ve captured 39 t-80 tanks and 35 vmps from the fourth tank division of the russian army. they ve also from the second