In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. One year on, FRANCE 24 reporters look back at how the conflict unfolded and reflect…
It was supposed to be Russia’s secret weapon for a swift and efficient victory in Ukraine. But in the year since Wagner Group mercenaries were dispatched to Kyiv to hunt down Ukraine’s president, what…
Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden are set to give rival speeches on Tuesday, promising two starkly differing takes on Russia's war against Ukraine nearly one year after the invasion. Follow FRANCE 24's liveblog…
Russia expected it would quickly seize control of Ukraine at the outset of the invasion, as did many Western observers. But Ukraine fought back with remarkable tenacity and skill, boosted by Western…
Issa, Gérard and Rachel have built lives in Ukraine, despite coming from Guinea, France and the US. On February 24, 2022, they were shocked to see their adopted home engulfed in war with Russia – but…