Are you ready to travel to Ukraine? Is it a good time to visit now? You should attend this upcoming and public ZOOM meeting today on Friday, February 11, and ask a lot of questions. Leaders of the National Tourism Organization of Ukraine will answer your questions during this livestream event in cooperation with the World Tourism Network.
Rahimi, Walach: Z Ukrajiny uprchli se zdravotním postižením. Kdo jim pomáhá? V důsledku ruské agrese na Ukrajině dorazilo do České republiky bezprecedentní množství uprchlíků včetně lidí se zdravotním postižením. Kdo a jakou formou jim pomáhá a co to vypovídá o české společnosti, popisuje dvoudílná reportáž.
Ivan Liptuga the head of the National Tourism Organization of Ukraine , and the Ex-Director of the Tourism & Resorts Department Of Ukraine. Ivan | Ukraine National Tourism Organization Open Letter: Do not be silent! Ukraine | eTurboNews | Travel News
Are you ready to travel to Ukraine? Is it a good time to visit now? You should attend this upcoming and public ZOOM meeting today on Friday, February 11, and ask a lot of questions. Leaders of the National Tourism Organization of Ukraine will answer your questions during this livestream event in cooperation with the World Tourism Network. - Ukraine Breaking News - Travel News | eTurboNews | eTN