very long tightly. and you said we would kill your career. it didn t happen! no. you helped my career. you ve been gone for so long. how many months have you been in the job? unbelievable. i ve been in the job two weeks. what? i was nominated five months ago. there is this long cue, unfortunately, in the senate of nominees and only a few of us so there i recall many, many people confirmed before you, right? no. what? only a handful. in fact, there are still dozens and dozens of state department people who are not confirmed yet. how does the state department function? well, it s harder. it s much harder. i think the senate needs to actually start confirming people to serve the american people. that would be nice. would be nice. we have a lot going on obviously. secretary of state kerry was talking about the ukraine. mika would like to read. charles krauthammer. the washington post putin s ukraine gambit. whatever anything obama says