You get tory and I wIll be austerIty ahead and that Is what they argue and the OpposItIon PartIes here would say a lot of the problems are of the snps own makIng and they are In charge of thIs budget and they have decIded to make generous Pay Settlements to PublIc Sector workers, Pay Settlements at the ScottIsh FIscal CommIssIon would say were not planned for In perhaps the way they should have been. But the result of all thIs, where the blame lIes, that Is up where the blame lIes, that Is up for Argument And Everyone takes a dIfferent posItIon on that but the fact Is there Is a Black Hole and cuts on the Way And Shona RobInson Wall take topIcal questIons emInently behInd me and that Is slIghtly overrunnIng but we expect her to stand up emInently to gIve about a 15 MInute Statement on where she wants to move the money and where she sees the necessIty for cuts and what thIngs can be delayed and what money can be dIverted, but we are expectIng thIs to be a substantIal statement detaIlIng
By Najat Kantouar PayPoint said it has a multiyear partnership agreement with Royal Mail across its Collect+ network which will support the U.K. postal.
Job applications have tumbled in the IT sector, raising concerns over further skills gaps increases, according to new research from the Association of P.
By Najat Kantouar PayPoint has reached a multi-year extension to its partnership with Yodel and Vinted across its Collect+ network. The U.K. payments company.
Responding to the latest labour market data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), Tania Bowers, Global Public Policy Director at the Associatio.