Illegal mining ruinous for Ujh Bridge
Illegal mining ruinous for Ujh Bridge
We, by experience and analysis, can safely deduce that generally mining mafia appears to have an upper hand to this extent that they appear to be invincible in respect of the concerned authorities effectively checking their illegal loot. This mafia, well organised is so much ”heartless” that it cares not two hoots for the irreparable damage caused to the natural resources which they loot with both hands. Is it not a fact that they carry on with their illegal activities with the ”blessings” and even implied support from those who otherwise are supposed to rein in such elements ? How elements from neighbouring states too are feeling so much “safe” and emboldened so as to carry on “in partnership” with local mafia such unauthorised mining activities in Jammu region? How many of them have been apprehended and subjected to the rigours of justice for indulging in illegal mining activities? How ma