Upcoming weekday drama "Brave Yong Soo Jung" (literal title) has shared a poster featuring Uhm Hyun Kyung! "Brave Yong Soo Jung” is a romance revenge drama that tells the story of Yong Soo Jung (Uhm Hyun Kyung), a strong woman who dreams of becoming the next Im Sang Ok (a big trade merchant in the
“Unintentional Love Story” is getting a spin-off! On June 9, production company No. 3 Pictures officially announced that the popular BL drama would be returning with a brand-new spin-off. “We will begin filming in the second half of this year, and we are aiming for a release at the beginning of next year,” said the
This Korean actor will exchange wedding vows soon. Unfortunately, he is receiving malicious comments following the announcement of his marriage.
#ChaSeoWon #BL #UnintentionalLove