Following outrage over a Google search result that listed Kannada as India's "ugliest language," the Karnataka government said on Thursday that it will take legal action against the Internet giant. Google will be notified, according to Kannada & Culture Minister Aravind Limbavali. Kannada was revealed as the answer to a Google search for "ugliest language in India," with
Google says Kannada ugliest language , then apologises
The Search result sparked an outrage among the netizens earlier in the day, with the Karnataka government threatening to issue a legal notice
Friday June 4, 2021 8:41 AM, IANS
Bengaluru: Facing a controversy after a Google Search with the keywords ugliest language in India showed Kannada in the results, Google India said on Thursday that it is not the reflection of the company, as it apologised for misunderstanding and hurting any sentiments. Outrage
The Search result sparked an outrage among the netizens earlier in the day, with the Karnataka government threatening to issue a legal notice to the company.
Google has apologised over the gaffe
A Google search with the keywords ugliest language in India popped up Kannada in the results, sparking a massive outrage today with the Karnataka government saying it will issue a legal notice to the search engine.
With people expressing their indignation over the gaffe and leaders across party lines slamming Google, the tech giant quickly fixed it and apologised to the people saying the search result did not reflect its opinion.
Karnataka Minister for Kannada, Culture and Forest, Aravind Limbavali told reporters that a legal notice will be served to Google for showing such an answer.