Finally had an epiphany. Usually the party knows everything. They know what you need, what you dont need. They even know you didnt even. Know you needed. But for the first time in a a e, the democrats threw up their arms in despair. Donald trumps Approval Rating was actually slightly larger than joe bidens watch at this point. Trump was at 43 . 41umbiden is at just 41 . So hes doing worse than trump, who was always saying was doing so poorly. The question is how solid a candidatioe is joe biden . Thats the problem. Thats exactly the problem. And what is exactly the problem that we dont know how solidt kn a candidate joe bideown is. We know hes not a solid case. Hes struggling. I mean, for his own party, it is hard to watch after the russia hoax, russi two impeachments, three indictments in a country bitterly by class and education. The New York Times Experienced T ,a temporary moment of clarity. Columnist David Brooksvid broo k is asking, what if were the bad guys here . Humility final
americans and their governmentm. a decade ago. the new york times admitted this. the times markedis the anniversary of 9/11 by publishinhed a piecg a piece on the rise of domestic surveillance abuses which explode after the 9/11 attacks. the patriot act, according to st the new york times, quote, govem quickly became a sort of shorthand for government abusenh and overreaching, which, quote, inflicted collateral damage on political dissent, religiousl liberty and the freedom of association, end quote. that is still true, in fact, truer than it s ever been,trage. and it is still a tragedy. what s fascinating is that stopd the new york times has stoppedi acknowledging it. in fact, remarkablity, there wae not a single mention oft page o the 9/11 anniversaryf yesterday. on the front page of yesterday s paper, the paper that purports to represent new york , the epicenter of the 9/11 attacks. now, why would the new york times ignore 9/11? ignore well, good question, be the new york
in my book? get it together. people from all walks of life opened up to me. they shared their life stories, their deepest ant secrets. but just because we finish the book doesn t mean they get it together. shseries is over.togeth today we re talking to aer retired soldier fo frome latin kings. meet andy pellicano. thehe saw things no person shod ever have to witness. an active participan t in drugan act trafficking, robbery, extortion and things we can t eveniv mention on national television. he did whatever he had to doe to survivele in the underworld.r so how did he gwoo from how a prison king to an evangelical minister? andy rebirth bay, r.a. joins us now. andy. how did you get started in the gang life? oh. so how long do we have on this> show? because it s a long storhow lon but to sum it up, i was just. just a wrong influences. uences listening to the wrong voices. juststening gravitating to theg things and being out there. did you get initiated? yeah, i was. i
assault and why they ve rallied aroundd assaulwh trump as theirt warrior against the educated class. he understood that it s not the entrepreneurs who seem most threatening to workers. it s the professional class. trump understoodreatenin i thatd great demand for a leader who would stick his thumb in our eyedes on a daily basis and reject the whole epistemic regime that we rode in on. besically, trump s popular because he actually cares. he cares about the whole countr actuaholey, not just the professional class who used to run it or run it into the ground. this is why trump s such a threat.. he threatens not just their power, he threatens to invadnse, validate their status and exalted role in america. now, sometimes this class ofs classes is ugl y. we get it. but it s necessary for the united to move forward together in the 21st century. so when trump s attacked, the country is attacked. s w
office. we needsbed to sen rd the messa that this is not acceptable inae the united states of america. yeah, he s doing he s doing the bidding of joe biden, f the globalist here. right. do whad the gl y doing they want him to do. but it sinwanted t completely ug everything we love about our country. senator , thank you for being a leader. but itcompletelyon this issue. now, this isn t just a problem that s isolated to border cities. my next guest, tpe, usa frontline reporter savannah dow hernandez, is down iinn el paso where she spoke with a pregnant 19 year old from ecuador who crossed illegally with her partnelegally r while she turne. herself in to immigration officials and was given a dateth to appear in c lo nowse listen closellyy fort tonight, but also important if i say yes, i m in the airport, i don t see the influences on the process. i almost did. i will be by the pilot. if the child i bring along