people look at the situation and you ve seen momentum building that this is not what they sold it as originally. be that as it may, we see where that leads. as i said to congresswoman spanberger, you re not going to get gun control now. you re not going to get anything done once you go down this road. this man is not bill clinton. he cannot compartmentalize and start cutting deals that will get him higher job approval numbers after he s been impeached than before. ufr ma you re making a trade, democrats. we re not trading much. even the things we thought he might do on a bipartisan basis, that brief moment where he pretended to be for gun safety, you remember a couple years ago us thinking for just a minute that maybe something would at least happen on infrastructure because it would benefit him politically in addition to being the right thing to do, but other than a tax cut for corporations, this president has delivered on nothing. evens things he promised that a
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