we ll be back every week night. what is the show going to be about? you can judge yourself.n here s the basic theme of it. people in power to until i, not because they want to buy, but because they can t help themselves. that is human nature. the more power they have, the bigger the temptation to use it. the press is supposed to be the watchdog of all of those, and it worked fine for a couple of decades, h then it all fall dominic fell apart. get back to basics here, hold the powerful accountable. pierce pomposity, translate doublespeak, mock smugness, barbecue nonsense every night. uehope you watch. tucker: they made me make a haircut t totally forgot until i just saw it. [laughs] people in power tend to lie. that was the theme then, that s the theme. that s always true. whether the show is at 7:00, 9:00, now at 8:00, we intend to stick to those promises and tell the truth regardless.