Scientists have recently discovered a flamboyant, chicken-sized dinosaur that could shed new light on how birds and fowls like peacocks have their practice of showing off.
The new species of dinosaur has been designated as Ubirajara jubatus, discovered by an international team of scientists led by Professor David Martill and Robert Smyth from the University of Portsmouth and Professor Dino Frey from the State Museum of Natural History in Karlsruhe in Germany.
Results of their findings appear in the journal Cretaceous Research on December 13.
(Photo : Luxquine via Wikimedia Commons)
Dressed to Impress
Researchers discovered this new species while examining fossils in the Karlsruhe collection. They identified a small dinosaur with an elaborate mane of fur running down its back, as well as rows of stiff ribbons from its shoulders, features never found before in fossil records - prompting a new, previously undiscovered species. Scientists behind the discovery theorize that