The FDA approves new cancer drugs much sooner than its European counterpart, but is faster better? Experts discuss the pros and cons of this speedy review process.
Monitoring of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio could potentially help risk-stratify women on anthracycline chemotherapy for associated left-ventricular dysfunction, a prospective study suggests.
Venetoclax/obinutuzumab as well as a triple combo with ibrutinib demonstrated better PFS in fit patients with CLL vs chemo, but higher rates of serious adverse events with ibrutinib remain a concern.
Treatment with some beta blockers may protect cardiac contractile function during anthracycline or trastuzumab therapy, suggests a meta-analysis that also confirmed such protection by dexrazoxane.
Inebilizumab is effective for neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder, even among patients who are genetically at risk for reduced response to anti-CD20 therapies, new research suggests.