infamous memo from the attorney general of the united states targeting parents and fbi with t national intelligence with the criminal division in all the u.s. attorneys offices. he says i am directed fbih working with each u.s. attornef0 to convene meetings with d federal, state, tribal and territorial leaders in each federal district within 30 days of the issuance of ese this memorandum. these meetings will facilitaters the discussion of strategies or addressing threats against school ministries, board members, teachers and staff an open dedicated alliance of communication for threatening andheing assessment response. first of all, the fbi and the m federal government have noat authority in local manners likeo this. secondly and inside job of thens national school board association thool e teachers unf working with the department of e education and justice department to come up with this crapns against our parents.
what garland is trying to do here is simply doing the right thing in the right way, and it s something of a signal that he believes there may well be sufficient evidence to indict trump because if that wasn t going to be the case, there would have been no reason for garland himself to decline on an investigation, so not to read the tea leaves too far, but it does seem to signal that doj believes that there s serious business ahead. smith is well qualified. he has experienced both justice, and out in the field at u.s. attorneys offices, and there s nothing like trying a lot of cases to help you understand when you have enough evidence to proceed in a very serious case. there s just no substitute for that experience. so he brings that along with managerial ability. he was briefly an acting united states attorney in nashville during the trump administration, and also he brings his experience in kosovo where he joined that team. it s interesting, willie, they