KDDI Corp. says its "au" mobile phone services are experiencing technical difficulties across Japan, causing disruptions to calls and internet connections.
existence. but cornered pretty much the entire corporate market. it fail to do adopt the technology to consumer use. in june 2007 apple launched the u phone and the rest as 24/7 says is history. number one american airlines which 24/7 says will disappear in 2013 because of the inefficiency. it was the premiere u.s. carrier for almost 30 years. even managed to stay afloat when others went bankrupt. it lost when delta merged and united merged. amr filed for bankruptcy. amr plans to emerge from bankruptcy as a solo carrier but it is looking to merge a few companies. it has been wrong in the past but also made many accurate calls some who came in almost instantly. if they are interested they can find the companies and 24/7