ethan is despite him looking tired, he is in such a great place right now. when he was born, we were not promised a future with him. he is four and a half and he currently has a four-chambered heart and he has a cut on his face because he was goofing off too much yesterday and hit the coffee table like any other 4-year-old kid. we ve been given the chance to live his life to its fullest potential and it s because of the aca that we ve had that chance. so waking up to a call from cnn saying, hey, can you come and continue the fight, i had to tell my 6-year-old she said where are you going? i said we have tocare again. she said i thought that was done. because every time we win a victory we get to tell our kids, look, all this marching and the going to d.c. and all the work that we ve done, it worked and they listened and they heard our