Just israel a potentially transformed. Is he a new judgment willing and able to make the kind of choices necessary, forget concluding the peace agreemen agreement about t advancing that process to its next phase. A year ago i got a letter from a man that said stop smearing me. Im going to do it. Speak but as for one to 67. You can say these numbers and i dont know if anyone has heard him say one step or two steps in 1967 to have him utter these numbers when he was speaking to the conference and then i see him saying they are going to be a part of israel. He has to made up his mind. Im not going to get into the name game. They are going through a transformation and i know that they have taken so much. Ii am not comparing this conflt with any other conflict. This is about history, religion, failure, and with enough honestly it is difficult for me and then but at the end of today its time for decisions, not negotiations. I want to live with a two state solution. They start preparing his p
Sacrifice shall never be in vain. Thank you for what you all have done for our country. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the secretary of the army. Good morning. A very special day. Secretary hagel, sir, thank you obviously for your gracious words in your presence here today. As well for the tremendous leadership, steady hand youve brought to these very challenging times. Chief, mrs. O. , Sergeant Major, distinguished members of congress, all of the department of defense family, particularly those from the United States army, but especially to the families and the honorees who are with us here today, welcome. It is wonder to see all of you again. As ive become the 21st secretary of the army, ive had many occasions to attend some pretty Historic Events and i probably should go without saying today is certainly one of them. As president obama noted yesterday, this injunction serves as the largest single induction of medal of honor honorees since world war ii. 24 and amazing soldiers who
richard conday. accepting on behalf of his father sergeant first class felix m. conday falcone. he distinguished himself by act of gallantry and intrepidity. during combat operation against armed enemy republic of vietnam on april 4th, 1969. while entering a heavily wooded section on the route of advance, first class conday falcone and his company encountered a bunker complex later identified as a battalion command post. following air strike on the helpful secured enemy position, his platoon was selected to assault and clear the bunker fortificatio fortifications. sergeant first class falcone throwing grenades as went. the hostile fire increased he crawled to the blind side of the entrenchment position and jumped to the roof and tossed a grenade into the bunker. without hesitating he proceeded two additional bunkers both of which he destroyed in the same manner as the first. rejoining his platoon, sergeant first class conde-falcon 100 meters through the tree and undercoming