children. here is what they said about that strike initially. our over the horizon counter terrorism capability was proven out. they identified the target, they took the target out and they are now in the process of identifying further targets to action. the isis targets that were taken out involved two individuals who were significant planners and facilitators for isis-k. the fact we ve had two successful strike tells you our over the horizon capacity is working. we had good intelligence that isis-k was preparing a specific type vehicle and specific location. dana: the administration maintains over the horizon capability is sufficient. what say you? the only thing those strikes proved is their over the horizon capability was a complete and utter failure. the strikes need to be
kentsome s statement just two nights ago, they made clear that their assessment was that there was the vehicle that was the target also had explosives in it and those explosives may have also led to an impact on the ground. we also heard about the secondary explosions again later this thank week in a claim by general mark milley who stood by the need for the strike. we had very good intelligence that isis-k was preparing a specific type vehicle at a specific type location. because it was secondary explosions, there is a reasonable conclusion to be made that there was explosives in that vehicle. we know from a variety of other means that at least one of those people that were killed was an isis facilitator. so were there others killed? yes. there were others killed. who they are, we don t know. we ll try to sort through all that. at that point, we think the procedures were correctly followed and it was a righteous strike. you heard milley insisted one of the people killed was an
the killing of children, or for the lying about it for weeks? now why is that? we think we know. back on september 1st, mark milley explained the drone strike wasn t out of the ordinary, it followed the very same procedures that every other drone strike over the last 20 years in afghanistan. we had very good intelligence that isis k was preparing a specific type vehicle and a specific type location. we monitored that through various means, and all of the engagement was being met, we went through the same level of rigor we have done for years and we took a strike. we had very goodor intelligence. this same kind of intelligence that leden us to believe german educated saudi s would never fly planes into buildings. were a field in pennsylvania. the intelligence that told us the berlin wall was about to fall. the same intelligence that told