Double-edged sword regarding Tyngsboro Middle School Tyngsborough residents have now received three anonymous mailings regarding cost overruns for our new middle school. The first two warned us of the consequences of a cost overrun; the third assured us the money for the overrun would not come out of our property taxes. The situation is thus: […]
SINCE JUNE 2022, the Lowell City Council debated allowing accessory dwelling units by right only to ultimately end up crafting absolutely nothing actionable on the issue. In contrast, Gov. Maura Healey’s administration in just half the time crafted a historic expansion of housing production in the $4 billion housing bond bill, which includes ADUs by right everywhere in the commonwealth and which would be the biggest investment in housing affordability in the state’s history.
TYNGSBORO The price tag on the new Tyngsboro Middle School has gone up, and voters will be asked to approve spending an additional $4.6 million to cover that cost overrun. Approval will not, however, affect residents’ property tax bills.
TYNGSBORO Six future students of the now-under-construction Tyngsboro Middle School smiled as they lifted shovels and scooped dirt from a waiting pile. The occasion was the official groundbreaking for the new school.