Water at the rate of 100,000 cubic feet per second. Lake oroville is a few feet below the spillway eroding when the water topped it yesterdays. 37,000 cubic feet of water running in the lake it is 1063 feet a second out of thelake. Our objective is to lower the lake level by fifty feet to prepare for future inflow of water due to storms and precipitation. Now this may take awhile because officials must monitor for erosion or any other change to spell trouble. Repairs to stabilize the situation could take awhile as officials decide exactly how to do it. Recently helicopters have been placing what appear to be sand bags and in reality are bags of large bolders and hauling the rocks to other locations. Where this takes depends on the dynamics and it could be 10 to 15 days or longer. But our infrastructure is holding up well even though it is damaged. Having heard that, many evacuees are bewildered when they hear there. Though look at how unusual it is. These county sheriffs are looking an