Special counsel will try to manufacture a crime and then say, look, manafort, we wont prosecute you for this if you simply admit you were colluding with the russians in the Donald Trump New everything. In other words, bear false witness against the president. Ive known Paul Manafort for over 40 years. And i dont believe he is going to do that. He is not going to lie. And that would be a lie. Are you not familiar with his finances, his taxes . Most certainly not. Im sure that theyre far more extensive and complicated than mine. But i have no idea what charge he could be indicted on or whether that charge is provable, fair. I just dont know. Did they ask you to come back . There was no discussion, no coming back. Although id certainly be open to it under the right circumstances. Anybody . Any conversations with Michael Flynn at all . I have not. I dont know general flynn. All right. Anybody else . Thank you all. Good day to you. Craig melvin here at msnbc headquarters in new york. You ju
Sophisticated form of espionage. That day will be coming. We are becoming more adept at tracing the origins on of this espionage and subversion. And as you can see with the fbi indictment, the evidence is now really incontravertable and available in the public domain. Whereas in the past it was difficult to attribute. Now, on the flipside, Sergey Lavrov is dismissing news of the charges as being blather. Also new, whether indicted russians will face any consequences. It lies out how they all manipulated social platforms to wage Information Warfare against the United States. Although none have been arrested. Mark, with a good morning to you. Okay. Theres been a night now to absorb all that is in this indictment. What are your main takeaways . Well, alex, i think we have all come to understand the past year that russia and its agency undertook a real effort to interfere in our elections in 2016. What this indictment really spells out in stunning breathtaking detail really is the sophisti
Times President Trump knew about it months before he denied it to reporters on air force one last month. It wasnt immediately clear when the president learned of the payment. Joining me now Democratic Political consistent julie, joe watkins, aide to george h. W. Bush, and rick tyler, former Cruz Campaign spokesman. Very good morning to the three of you. Ill start with you, rick. Whats your reaction to this New York Times story . Well, this has been an extraordinary week. Although for the Trump Administration it seems to be par for the course. The Julianne Giuliani interview was planned by me and the president. It was so good, he went back on fox and friends the following morning and gave what was a really colossal interview. And i think trump watched the coverage all that morning and decided it wasnt going very well. And then he just threw giuliani under the trump bus. Then later on backed over him. Yeah. He did it in a nice way, though. He talked about that a good guy he is, and how m
They hugged. They embraced. They had productive discussions for two hours about how they could best implement the agreement that they signed at their first summit on april 27th. They were also talking about how they might hold a successful, quote, north american summit. So theyre not even attaching President Trumps name to it anymore. While the meeting was a surprise, alex, perhaps it shouldnt have been, because president moon in the hours after that letter from President Trump calling off the summit had said that he firmly believed there had to be direct talks with north korea, and that that was something he was going to continue to push in order to implement the agreement they already had in place. Whats also important to note is that weve had the same message from china. That there is this entire to harness the momentum that has been built over the past several weeks in the region, so what were seeing now is kim jongun having successfully coopted these two regional players. Its also